The full cycle looks like this: disinfection → pre-sterilization cleaning → packaging → autoclaving → storage of sterile instruments.
- Disinfection is the first stage of tool preparation.
All tools and cutters are soaked in a disinfectant solution for a certain time.
I disinfect and clean instruments and cutters in an ultrasonic cleaner.
An ultrasonic cleaner is a housing in which a container is placed. The tool is loaded into it, it is placed from the container into the sink body. Beforehand, a cleaning agent is poured into the device. Then the device turns on, the time is set - and the tools are automatically cleaned of dirt.
- After completion of the cleaning cycle, the instrument is removed from the sink, dried and packaged.
- Sterilization is the final step in instrument processing.
In the process of sterilization, not only resistant microorganisms are destroyed, but also their spores. Sterilization of instruments is carried out in order to kill all pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms, including their spore forms, on them.
Air and steam sterilizers are allowed for sterilization of instruments. I have an air sterilizer. When sterilized with hot air, pathogens are destroyed by high temperature (180 ° C) within 60 minutes.
The sterilized instrument can be stored in a sealed kraft bag that ensures tightness for up to 20-50 days without violating the sterilization regime.